ATAR Notes QCE Physics 1&2 Complete Course Notes

ATAR Notes QCE Physics 1&2 Complete Course Notes


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ATAR Notes
Study & Help Guides



Bringing together complex content with easy to understand diagrams and explanations, these Physics 1&2 Notes are the perfect guide to help you thrive in your studies.

Covering topics ranging from thermal and nuclear physics to motion, sound, and waves, everything you need to know for the Units 1&2 syllabus is within these pages.

With extra advice, simple diagrams, and assessment and exam guidance, these Notes will be sure to see you succeed in your study goals.

As a current tutor, Elysia has extensive knowledge of the QCE Physics course. In these Notes, she has provided her advice and insights to guide you through each topic and give you the in-depth understanding to find success in your Physics journey. Currently, Elysia is studying a Bachelor of Laws and Economics at the University of Queensland.