Dragon Market



We are experiencing an influx of late orders. We understand school starts that today. If you placed your order between Thursday and Midday Saturday, and haven't received a message to say that your order is ready, we are working as hard as we can to get your order ready today.

New orders placed from Midday Saturday onwards will be added to the queue and picked in order of receival. We will do our very best to get your order ready as soon as we can, however there may be a wait of 2 to 3 days. If you choose to order we will send you a processing message then a second message that states 'order is ready' once it's ready for pickup. .

Please be patient with our staff. We had 30 staff working over the back-to-school period to get orders ready and we are really proud of what they achieved. Some of them have now returned to school and university so we have a much smaller staff onboard today. If an item on your order is out of stock, it will be backordered for you and noted on the paperwork supplied with your order.

Open Monday Tuesday Friday from 8am-4pm. Open Wednesday Thursday from 8am-5pm.Open Saturday from 8am - 12pm closing strictly at midday.

Dragon Market


Product Info



Two Player Games
Board & Card Games


Blue Orange Games

Ages 7 and UP 2-4 Players

In Dragon Market, players attempt to manipulate boats on a river in order to pick up the items they need to complete objective cards.

In more detail, each player starts the game with their figure on a pontoon in the corner of the board, and they take turns placing boats on the board, with each boat taking up three spaces; some boats have a sailor in the center space, while others have a sailor in the end seat. Each of the two empty spaces of each boat are then filled with two identical merchandise tokens, with the game including twenty types of merchandise. Each player starts the game with an objective card showing four different types of merchandise.

On a turn, the active player rolls the dice to determine how many actions they can take; they can spend 1-2 coins to add to this number of actions. Actions are:

• Slide a boat: You can move a boat any number of unoccupied spaces either forward or backward; a boat cannot move sideways. • Rotate a boat: You can rotate a boat 90º around its sailor through unoccupied spaces. • Move your figure: You can move your figure one space from a pontoon to a space on the boat that's empty or occupied by merchandise tokens or from one boat space to another or from a boat to a pontoon; you cannot move your figure over a sailor. When you move your figure onto a merchandise token showing on your objective card, you can pick it up.

If you don't spend all of your actions, take coins equal to the number of unspent actions to bank them for later. As soon as you have all of the merchandise needed for your objective card, return to your pontoon. Once you do, you draw a second objective card, and whoever completes two objective cards first wins.

Dragon Market also contains advanced objective cards that show 3-4 types of merchandise as well as a bonus. At the start of the game, each player draws two cards and keeps one of them. As soon as the player returns to their pontoon with the depicted goods, they reveal this objective card, then have access to this bonus, which provides either a one-time effect or an effect that can be used once each turn. They also draw two new objective cards and keep one of them. Whoever first completes three objective cards wins!

The game also includes team rules for both the regular and the advanced objective cards.

Contents: 1 Board 10 Boats 4 Heirs 2 Dice 40 Merchandise Tokens 12 Coins 13 Red Objective Cards 10 Blue Objective Cards