Everest: Reaching the Roof of the World

Everest: Reaching the Roof of the World


Product Info



Dyslexic and Reluctant Readers


Barrington Stoke

Join the treacherous mission to conquer Earth’s highest peak in David Long’s enthralling retelling of the first expeditions to climb Everest.

Everest is the world’s highest mountain, towering like an icy giant over the Himalayas.

For the millions of people living nearby, it has always been a magical place, known as “Goddess Mother of the World” or the “Peak of Heaven”.

To explorers and adventurers, it represents a perilous but thrilling challenge to be conquered.

In this exhilarating account by award-winning author David Long, he looks back at the first attempts by international mountaineers to reach the fabled summit, many of which ended in death and disaster.

This book has a dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paperstock so that even more readers can enjoy it. It has been edited to a reading age of 8.